Sunday, October 30, 2011

330 Design Group Fall Open House November 11 &12, 2011

330 Design Group's Fall Open House
330 Ave G South
Nov. 11, 1-9pm
Nov. 12, 10am - 5pm

This fall we are pleased to join forces with the Sisters of Fire. Their studio, located at 233 Ave C South (behind the Scotia Bank), will run the identical hours to ours. Make an event of it and visit both art studios.

October 30 Studio Workshop

October 30, 2011
330 Design Group gathers at the Studio for a day of soapstone carving under the tutelage of curator Lee Baker. 
Quotes of the day:
I like soapstone because it take time. Time to ponder, time to work, time to think. Ken Wilkinson.
I like soapstone because it's so fast. Results are immediate. M. Craig Campbell

Monday, October 24, 2011

Recent Architectural Project by M. Craig Campbell

The installation crew.

Craig's Isuzu crane truck earns its keep.

Craig welding the curved rafters to the horizontal beams.

Project completed.
On to the next project.